The Family
Uyak. Classic Malamute Style. A welcome to Uyak from its Founders: Harold, Lois, Paula & Jon; established in 1966 as a family endeavor. Our dogs and kennel activities have created a lifelong family bond with our malamutes playing a key role in helping to build the strong foundation of our family relationship. The caring for our dogs, the experiences we share through mutual involvement in training, nurturing, traveling, showing, working and breeding our dogs as well as building relationships with generations of others in the breed and the dog world, defines Uyak and our family with a history to be treasured. As a bloodline, the prepotency of Uyak has made a lasting impact in the United States for more than four decades and has evolved to worldwide interest and international notarity largely due to the passion and commitment of collaborating breeders who admire and respect our work, aesthetic and disciplined linebreeding. Entering our fifth decade as a small boutique kennel, Uyak continues to deliver consistent, exceptional Alaskan Malamutes. Our bloodline is based upon the agreed values of the founding members of our breed and has been, since the beginning, rigorously screened for hip dysplasia and other known inheritable diseases. Our family is committed to breed heritage, the values of the founders, the authors of the breed standard and will continue to preserve and protect the strength of these genetics. To this end, Dr. Harold has dedicated his life to teaching, mentoring and supporting the perpetuation of outstanding breed type. Lois, who is now retired, spent decades raising and nuturing puppies; Paula assisting in all aspects of the kennel and decades of the breeding plans and Jon focused on working the dogs on our original team. Our knowledge and expert insights play a key role in our ability to contribute to the preservation of healthy dogs with excellent temperment that excel in soundness, agility, working ability, overall balanced conformation along with exemplary quality breed type. Uyak dogs have achieved success in their diverse roles as quality breeding stock, show dogs, working dogs, obedience dogs and most importantly, outstanding companions and family pets. We hope you enjoy this website, benefit from exploring the Uyak family of dogs and become inspired to learn more about us; the people behind these precious dogs, as we focus on achieving our next generation of goals. Sincerely, Paula, Breeder and Coadjustor Harold, Ret. Breeder Emeritus Located on the North Shore of Long Island, New York c.2015 and our original site: c.1994 |